India is a vast country and Indian security forces or police cannot provide security to all people in each corner of the country. This is a bitter truth, which every Indian must admit. We are fortunate enough that terrorists are active and conducting terror attacks in metros and big towns only. If they start targetting small towns, cities and village for target attack, I apprehend India’s security arrangement will get punctured and prove to be hollow, absolutely incompetent and inadequate to deal with highly equipped, trained and funded terrorists.
I feel however proud that person like Mr. P Chidambaram has been in charge of Home Ministry and he has left no stone unturned to have best control and best use of available police and armed forces, to monitor and coordinate various intelligence agencies and to have best possible liasoning with most of the concerned department to achieve best possible result in available resources, at least far better than his immediate predecessor Mr. Shiv Raj Patil. It is his sincere efforts that during last 400 days no terror attack took place and many probable attacks were thwarted and culprits were booked in jail.
In the present case of Pune blast also, home ministry had alerted all well in advance about probable terror attack. Police forces as also people of these towns were cautioned to be alert of terrorists and unidentified bags. But home ministry or the police forces cannot follow those terrorists 24 hours 365 days. . Terrorists on the other hand are behind their target 24 hours and 365 days. This mismatch gives terrorist an opportunity to befool public as well as police. If people of India, politicians and media all cooperate, I hope India will be safer. Government needs to send a clear signal to criminals that there will be no sympathy for those who commit crime and violate laws of the Nation, irrespective of their caste or community and needs to ensure quickest punishment to crime perpetuators, even if it needs to jail Thakre like person or Indian Muzahiddin (IM) needs to be banned and its members need to be booked to task.
We therefore need a fool proof system which can take care of common men at all places every minute, every time. Police forces and the ruling party succeeded in release of MNIK in Mumbai and in the state of Maharashtra only because it was a few days phenomenon and one time event. Police forces were sent in civil dresses in all cinema halls to control the situation successfully. Similarly Indian government has to ensure that fifty percent of police forces are posted in civil dresses and made active in all corners of the country to guard common men to watch on the malicious activities of terror groups or naxal groups. This is possible only when entire political system and administrative machinery is redefined, reactivated, revitalized and rejuvenated. And the most important is that politicians are kept completely away from police forces. This is possible only when politicians discard vote bank politics and give value to security of Indians on priority.
However this is also true that police force in our country do not work sincerely and honestly at all the places and in all the states in the country. Reason behind inactiveness of police force is also nothing but wrong policies and wrong treatment of police force in the hands of politicians. When they act some party or the other abuses them, when they do not act they are abused by some politician or the other. It is therefore easy and comfortable for police personnel to do what politicians or ministers in person like them to do. It means police forces in general think it wise, prudent and better to flatter VIP and powerful person to get cream posting, easy promotions in career and get rid of all charges leveled against them by common men. We need to change this culture prevailing in almost all government offices, banks and insurance companies.
Unfortunately in our country those who act honestly and sincerely are more often than not shunted out and placed at such a critical place that honestly becomes a curse for its followers instead of an award. Even distributing of various medals or awards for successful completion of any task or any courageous action in police forces are based on either flattery to bosses or recommendations of some higher authority or some political heavyweights. Prestigious award like Padma Bhusan, Padam Shree, or Padam Bibhusan are awarded to controversial figures. This is very much painful.
Indians know how sincere IPS officer like various governments in her career treated Kiran Bedi when she was in job. People know how person like DGP Mr.Rathore got one after other promotions and better posting even after his involvement in Ruchika’s case. In the past few days IAS officers have been found to be indulged in large scale corruption and property worth many crores of rupees have been caught by IT authorities. Morality of top officers has faced dangerous erosion in the hand of politicians of the country.
Obviously entire set of administration has become victim of corruption and selfish policies of politicians. It is ironical that politicians who are originator of all corruption always blame administration for rampant corruption. This mutual blame game continues and common men become victim in all the cases of security lapses and it is painful that in this mutual mud slinging process, criminals get rid of charges, or court proceedings are delayed and ultimately criminals get rid of punishment for their crime. As a consequence crime graph in our country is rising unabated.
To add fuel to fire, criminals are getting support of various political parties to enter in to Parliament and take part in debate and stop legislative or executive action against criminals. It is undeniably true for Indian political system that politicians and criminal are two sides of the same coin and police forces are instrumental to them, subsidiary to them and nothing but extended arm of our bad political and administrative system .We therefore need thorough change in the system from top to bottom level.
It is also regrettable that even media instead of focusing main problem, concentrating on terror attack and searching its possible remedy start searching loopholes in the speeches of ministers, police authorities and change the agenda of the country from security mechanism to dirty political game. Media portrays the picture of terror attack in a way, which is not conducive for proper and appropriate investigation of the terror attack. Even intelligence inputs are broadcasted and elaborately enlightened on TV in such a way which help more to terrorists in changing their target and strategy, rather than helping police and people of the country to effectively trap the terrorists before they act upon their conspiracy to destabilize the country. Enemy foreign countries take advantage of our weak points and always succeed in execution of their dirty, destructive and divisive plans to weaken India. Undoubtedly media needs to be made accountable and responsible towards sensitive issues like terror linked in formations and post terror attack investigation procedures.
Danendra jain
Ganaraj choumuhani Agartala
15th Feb. 2010
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